Lightbar setup
When working, the virtual light bar at the top of the guidance system screen may be used to indicate vehicle deviation from the set guideline.
To configure the light bar:
- Select User / Light bar. The following options are available:
Light bar
Enabled or disabled.
LED spacing
Used to set the ground distance from the programmed wayline (guideline) represented by each LED in the light bar.
If the LED spacing is set to 10 cm (0.1 m), the system behaves as follows:
- The centre LED is blue and is permanently lit (unless lateral deviation from the guideline is 100 cm or greater). At a distance of less than 10 cm (+ or -) from the wayline, this is the only LED lit.
- When lateral deviation reaches 10 cm, the next LED in the bar (green) illuminates.
- At 20 cm, another green LED illuminates.
- The yellow LEDs illuminate at 30, 40 and 50 cm.
- The red LEDs illuminate at 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm.
- Once the lateral deviation from the guideline reaches or exceeds 100 cm, all the LEDs extinguish with the exception of a red LED on the furthest side of the console.
LED modes
- Drive away: LEDs illuminate on the side of the vehicle veering away from the guideline. Drive away from the illuminated LEDs to return to the guideline.
- Drive towards: LEDs illuminate on the side of the vehicle veering towards the guideline. Drive towards the illuminated LEDs to return to the guideline.